We'll source and provide much-needed expertise for your projects.
Our dedicated & knowledgeable contract division has access to some of the most talented contractors in the market who have often completed multiple assignments through us and that can help you plug a skills gap or inject much-needed expertise into a project.
Our Service
Our service is contingency-based and operates in the provision of permanent personnel across all industry sectors. We offer resource solutions from IT entry-level to mid/senior management and board level on single or multiple assignments.

Our Process
We offer a simple process to streamline and resource strong, technical professionals for your specific needs, to alleviate the time and cost constraints associated with internal hiring strategies.
Our Costs
We keep our fee structure as transparent and easy to follow as possible. We offer a free service to interview until your selected candidate has successfully started their career with your organisation. We also offer protections on placements through a generous rebate structure.

Our Aim
By growing organically, we have managed to create an environment where each consultant cares passionately about the market they service developing excellent relationships with all of our clients whether job seekers or employers to make sure we create relationships that are long-lasting and successful.